Fount of Information

Biotium社 Extremely Bright & Convenient RNA Gel Staining




Still using ethidium bromide (EtBr) to stain RNA? New EMBER500™ RNA Prestain is significantly brighter and more sensitive than conventional prestaining with EtBr. This prestain includes formamide and electrophoresis tracking dyes for maximum convenience, allowing one-step sample denaturing, loading, tracking, and staining.


  • Sensitive: Brighter and much more sensitive than EtBr
  • Convenient: Denature, load, track, and stain RNA samples in a single step on a regular agarose gel
  • Versatile: Stains both DNA and RNA for evaluating total RNA integrity and DNA contamination
  • Flexible Detection: Detect with UV transilluminators or blue LED gel imagers
Read the full press release.

Loading_Dye.png Human total cellular RNA in water was mixed with EMBER500™ RNA Prestain Loading Dye or loading dye with 250 ug ethidium bromide (EtBr). Samples were heated for 10 minutes at 70°C, then run on a non-denaturing 1% agarose/1X TBE gel. From left to right, loading amounts were 200, 100, 50, or 25 ng/lane for total RNA. Lanes 1-4 used EMBER500™ RNA Prestain Loading Dye, lanes 5-8 used RNA loading dye with EtBr. The gel was imaged using a UVP GelDoc-iT® imaging system with a UV transilluminator with EtBr filter with 1.5 second exposure time.

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