Biotium社 Expand your flow panels with novel APC & R-PE CF® tandem dyes
Expand your flow cytometry panels with unique APC and R-PE CF® tandem dyes available with rapid and efficient Mix-n-Stain™ Antibody Labeling Kits. Biotium’s CF® tandem dyes enable larger panels by increasing the number of detectable labels per laser. In addition, CF® tandem dyes are designed for optimal FRET between the donor and acceptor molecules, offering exceptional brightness and performance in flow cytometry.
- RPE-CF®583R for the PE-Texas Red® channel
- RPE-CF®647T for the RPE-Cy®5 channel
- APC-CF®750T for the APC-Cy®7 channel
- APC-CF®790T for spectral cytometry or the APC-Cy®7 channel
Mix-n-Stain™ Fluorescent Protein & Tandem Dye Antibody Labeling Kits offer industry-leading conjugation efficiency and performance
- Choice of APC, R-PE (PE), PerCP, or tandem dyes
- Labeling takes 4 hours or less with minimal hands-on time
- Kit sizes for labeling 25-50 ug, 50-100 ug, or 1 mg IgG
- No purification, 100% recovery
Overview of Mix-n-Stain™ Fluorescent Protein and Tandem Dye Antibody Labeling Kit Protocol
Also view our Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits, available in 32 bright CF® Dyes from blue to near-IR
- 30-minute labeling with minimal hands-on time
- Choice of 32 CF® Dyes as well as FITC, Cy®3, Cy®5, biotin and other labels
- No purification after labeling, so no antibody loss
- Compatible with common antibody stabilizers like BSA
- Kit sizes for less than 5 ug and up to 1 mg antibody
- 3-pack kits for labeling multiple antibodies
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