PBL Assay Science社 新製品 マウス・インターフェロンβ
Mouse Interferon Beta Protein
PBL Assay Science is pleased to introduce a new mammalian expressed mouse
interferon beta (IFN-b) protein (Catalog No. 12405-1) to its interferon products range.
Interferons (IFNs) are a family of mammalian cytokines produced by macrophages, neutrophils, dendritic cells and other somatic cells in response to viruses and pathogens. IFN-b is classified as a type I interferon and is produced by fibroblast and a variety of cell types in response to viral challenge. Although all type I IFNs bind to the same type I IFN receptor complex, studies have shown that IFN-b signals differently than IFN-a. Furthermore, it has been shown that IFN-b exerts preferential induction of apoptotic effect on melanoma cells. These findings, along with the therapeutic use of IFN-b in Multiple Sclerosis and hepatitis C, make further understanding of IFN-b biological activities an important area of research.
The new mammalian expressed mouse IFN-b protein from PBL Assay Science
provides scientists with a recombinant protein that closely resembles native mouse
IFN-b and exhibits high biological activity.
Catalog No. | Product Description | Size |
12405-1 | Mouse Interferon Beta, mammalian | > 1 x 105 units |
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