Molecular Targeting Technologies Inc. 社ホスファチジルセリン検出プローブ
PSVue® はbis(zinc2+dipicolylamine:Zn-DPA)を含む蛍光プローブです。Zn-DPAは陰イオン性リン脂質に高い親和性を示すことが知られており、細胞膜上のフォスファチジルセリン(PS)へ結合します。アポトーシス1、ネクローシス2、グラム陰性/陽性細菌3-5等の検出に使用することができます。。
- UV~近赤外(検出波長)までラインアップ
- in vitroとin vivoに使用可能
- HTSスクリーニングへ適用可能
- アネキシンVのようにPSへ結合
- 結合が早い6,7
- カルシウムイオン非依存的に結合(膜のscramblaseによる影響が無い)8
- 広い範囲の条件(例:10%血清存在下、4~37℃)でアポトーシスを検出8
- 小さい(1つのアネキシンVが結合する範囲に10個以上結合する)9
In vitroでの実施例
(データ提供:Notre Dame大学 Dr. Bradley Smith)
In vivoでの実施例
データ提供:Notre Dame大学 Dr. Bradley Smith
- Hanshaw RG, Lakshmi C, Lambert TN, Johnson JR and Smith BD. Fluorescent detection of apoptotic cells by using zinc coordination complexes with a selective affinity for membranes surfaces enriched with phosphatidylserine. ChemBioChem, 2005, 6, 2214-2220.
- Smith BA, Akers WJ, Leevy WM, Lampkins AJ, Xiao S, Wolter W, Suckow MA, Achilefu S and Smith BD. Optical imaging of mammary and prostrate tumors in living animals using a synthetic near infrared zinc(II)-dipicolylamine probe for anionic cell surfaces. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132 (1), 67-69.
- Leevy, WM; Johnson, JR.; Lakshmi, C.; Morris, J.; Marquez, M.; Smith, BD. Selective recognition of bacterial membranes by zinc(II)-coordination complexes. Chem. Commun. 2006, 595-1597.
- Leevy WM, Gammon, ST, Jiang H, Johnson JR, Maxwell DJ, Marquez M, Piwinica-Worms D and Smith BD. Optical imaging of bacterial infection in living mice using a fluorescent near-infrared molecular probe. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128, 16476-16477.
- Leevy WM, Gammon ST, Johnson JR, Johnson JR, Lampkins AJ, Jiang H, Marquez M, Piwinica-Worms D and Smith BD. Noninvasive optical imaging of Straphylococcus aureus bacterial infection in living mice using a bis-dipicolylamine-zinc (II) affinity group conjugated to a near infrared fluorophore. Bioconj. Chem. 2008, 19, 686-692
- DiVittorio KM, Johnson JR, Johansson E, Reynolds AJ, Jolliffe KA and Smith BD. Synthetic peptides with selective affinity for apoptotic cells. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2006, 4, 1966-1976.
- Koulov AV, Stucker KA, Lakshmi C, Robinson JP and Smith BD. Detection of apoptotic cells using a synthetic fluorescent sensor for membrane surfaces that contain phosphatidylserine. Cell Death and Differentiation, 2003, 10, 1357-1359
- Hanshaw RG and Smith BD. New reagents for phosphatidylserine recognition and detection of apoptosis. Bioorg. & Med. Chem. 2005, 13, 5035-5042
- Koulov AV, Hanshaw RG, Stucker KA, Lakshmi C and Smith BD. Biophysical studies of a synthetic mimic of the apoptosis-detecting protein annexin V. Israel. J of Chem., 2005, 45, 373-379.