
Protein Ladder One Plus, Triple-color for SDS-PAGE

The product is a pre-stained ladder marker using recombinant proteins. It consists of 14 bands, enabling detailed analysis of molecular weight.


  • Excellent visibility with triple color
  • Sharp bands
  • Consists of bands at many different MW
  • Low lot-to-lot variation

protein adder one plus 1.PNG

Comparison data

Compared to other brands with same molecular weight range, this product shows more bands and higher visibility for different molecular weights.

Product Name Protein Ladder
One Plus
Company A Company B
Catalog Number #19593-25 - -
Electrophoresis images protein adder one plus 2.PNG protein adder one plus 3.PNG protein adder one plus 4.PNG
Gel Extra PAGE One Precast Gel, 5-20%, 13wells (#13063-74)
After electrophoresis Load volume
Load volume
(recommended amount for mini-gel)
5 μL 10 μL 5 μL
Number of bands 14 10 12
Volume (product package) 500 μL 500 μL 500 μL
Number of uses (mini-gel) 100 lanes 50 lanes 100 lanes

Application 1: Comparison based on electrophoresis gel

The product shows sharp bands from low to high molecular weight on different gels.

Gel Handmade mini-gel (Laemmli method) Extra PAGE One Precast Gel Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel
Catalog Number - #13063-74 #13079-84
Gel concentration 12% 5 - 20% 5 - 15%
Electrophoresis images protein adder one plus 5.PNG protein adder one plus 6.PNG protein adder one plus 7.PNG
Load volume 5 μL

Application 2: Transfer in Western Blotting

The result can be seen clearly on the PVDF membrane. Furthermore, the product also can be used with fluorescence detection.

protein adder one plus 8.PNG

Under red and far-red excitation, blue and green bands can be detected. *Red band (75 kDa) does not show under fluorescence detection. When using this product under fluorescence detection, please dilute to about 1/10 of the regular concentration.

Experiment conditions

SDS-PAGE (Gel) Extra PAGE One Precast Gel, 5-20%, 13wells (#13063-74)
(Sample) Protein Ladder One Plus 1; 5 μL 2; 2.5 μL
Protein Ladder One Plus (diluted 10x*) 3; 5μL
* Use sample buffer (1x) to dilute (without heating)
Transfer (Membrane) 1, 2; PVDF membrane 3 Low-fluorescence PVDF membrane
(Transfer buffer) Semi-dry Blotting Buffer Solution for Western Blotting (#30650-31)
(Transfer condition) 10 V (Constant voltage) 45 mins
ChemiDoc Touch MP (Bio-Rad)
Red excitation: 700 nm (width 50 nm) filter; Exposure time: 5 seconds
Far-red excitation: 715 nm (width 30 nm) filter; Exposure time: 30 seconds


  • There is a possibility of different molecular weight result depending on gel type (concentration, gradient, buffer, etc.). It may not suitable for accurate molecular weight measurement.
  • The product is ready-to-use type. Sample preparation, such as heating and reduction, is not required.

Ordering information

Product Name Grade Storage Catalog Number PKG Size Price
Protein Ladder One Plus, Triple-color for SDS-PAGE SP Freezer 19593-25 500 μL e-Nacalai