
WB Stripping Solution Series


Product Image

  • No heating: reaction at room temperature
  • No odor: does not contain 2-mercaptoethanol
  • Fast: stripping time 5-15 minutes
  • Ready to use: one solution in one bottle

Product Information

WB Stripping Solution removes conjugated antibodies from
blots, enabling subsequent detections with different antigens on the very same blotting membrane. After the first antigenantibody reaction and following chemiluminescent visualization, the antibody can be removed by the WB Stripping Solution. A second antigen-antibody reaction can be conducted on the same blotting membrane. The same blotting membrane can be probed 2-5 times if chemiluminescent detection is employed. Alternately, one blot can be used multiple times under different conditions to optimise results of antigen-antibody reactions!

Comparison of WB Stripping Solution and WB Stripping Solution Strong

a: 0.05%(v/v) t-TBS
b: 2%(w/v) SDS, 100mM 2-Meraptoethanol
c: WB Stripping Solution
d: WB Stripping Solution Strong

Apply HPR-labeled anti-GST antibody to 5000 ng, 500 ng, 50 ng, or 5 ng (as desired) of c-Myc-GST antigen on a PVDF membrane, then remove the antibody by agitating gently for 10 minutes using one of the following stripping solutions.

After stripping the antibodies and washing the membrane with t-PBS for 2 min, use the chemiluminescence method to detect the HPR-labeled anti-GST antibody remaining on the membrane.

*Image “e” is a result that shows detection of the antigen with HPR-labeled anti-GST antibody on the “d”. The similar result is marked with “a”. Therefore, WB Stripping Solution Strong only stripped antibodies, not antigens.





WB Stripping Solution

  1. T Fujimoto et al.: Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 53.11 (2012)
  2. N Miura et al.: Eukaryotic cell 11.8 (2012)
  3. T Fujiwara et al.: Biochemical and biophysical research communications 424.1 (2012)
  4. H Zheng et al.: Human pathology41.9 (2010)
  5. S Fukuda et al.: Molecular and cellular biology 27.13 (2007)

WB Stripping Solution Strong

  1. M Ota et al.: Journal of bone and mineral metabolism 33.1 (2015)
  2. M Tamura et al.: Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition54.1 (2014)
  3. Y Lee et al.: PloS one 9.9 (2014)
  4. T Nakai et al.: The Journal of Neuroscience 34.45 (2014)
  5. M Takeichi et al.: PloS one 8.2 (2013)
  6. N Sensui et al.: Developmental biology 367.2 (2012)
  7. Y Nakamura et al.: The American journal of pathology 180.2 (2012)


WB Stripping Solution Seriespdf (PDF 1.4 MB)

Ordering Information

Product Name Grade Storage Product No. PKG Size Price
WB Stripping Solution SP RT 05364-55 500 ml e-Nacalai
WB Stripping Solution Strong R 05677-65

(Storage) RT: Room temperature, A: Cool and dark, R: Refrigerator, F: Freeze