



10mol/l-Ammonium Acetate Solution
水溶液 Nuclease and Protease tested
02432-74 100 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
8mol/l-Lithium Chloride Solution
水溶液 Nuclease tested
20077-84 5 X 10 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
1mol/l-Magnesium Chloride Solution, Sterile-filtered and Autoclaved
水溶液 Nuclease tested
20942-34 5 X 10 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
5mol/l-Sodium Chloride Solution
Nuclease and Protease tested
31334-51 1 L e-Nacalai.jpg


MOPS Buffer Stock Solution(10x)(pH 7.0)
0.45 µm フィルター濾過済 オートクレーブ済 Nuclease tested
23442-81 1 L e-Nacalai.jpg
Phosphate Buffered Saline(10x)(pH 7.4), DEPC treated, Nuclease tested
0.45 µm フィルター濾過済 Nuclease tested
27576-21 1 L e-Nacalai.jpg
3mol/l-Sodium Acetate Buffer Solution(pH 5.2)
Nuclease and Protease tested
31138-31 1 L e-Nacalai.jpg
SSC Buffer Stock Solution(20x)
Nuclease and Protease tested pH(25℃):6.9 ~ 7.1
32146-91 1 L e-Nacalai.jpg
32146-04 5 L
SSPE Buffer Stock Solution(20x)
Nuclease and Protease tested pH(25℃):7.3 ~ 7.5
32149-61 1 L e-Nacalai.jpg
TE Buffer Solution(pH 8.0)
Nuclease and Protease tested
32739-31 1 L e-Nacalai.jpg
TBS(10x)(pH 7.4)
Nuclease and Protease tested
12748-31 1 L e-Nacalai.jpg
TBS(10x)(pH 7.4)(High Salt)
Nuclease and Protease tested
12751-71 1 L e-Nacalai.jpg
0.05%-tTBS(10x)(pH 7.4)
Nuclease and Protease tested
12749-21 1 L e-Nacalai.jpg
0.1%-tTBS(10x)(pH 7.4)
Nuclease and Protease tested
12750-81 1 L e-Nacalai.jpg
1mol/l-Tris-HCl Buffer Solution(pH 7.6)
Nuclease and Protease tested
35436-01 1 L e-Nacalai.jpg
1mol/l-Tris-HCl Buffer Solution(pH 8.0)
Nuclease and Protease tested
35435-11 1 L e-Nacalai.jpg


8mol/l-Guanidine Hydrochloride Solution
水溶液 Nuclease and Protease tested
17356-24 100 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
6mol/l-Guanidine Thiocyanate Solution
水溶液 Nuclease tested
16689-04 100 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
Trichloroacetic Acid Solution(100w/v%)
濃度:98% ~ 102 W/V%(T) Nuclease and Protease tested
06275-24 100 mL e-Nacalai.jpg


1mol/l-Dithiothreitol Solution
0.01 mol/L 酢酸ナトリウムバッファー(pH 5.2)溶液 Nuclease tested
14130-41 1 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
0.5mol/l-EDTA Solution(pH 8.0)
Nuclease and Protease tested
14347-21 1 L e-Nacalai.jpg
0.1M-Ethylene Glycol Bis(β-aminoethylether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic Acid Disodium Salt Solution(neutral)
Nuclease and Protease tested
08947-35 500 mL e-Nacalai.jpg


Water deionized & sterilized
用途:細胞培養用, 分子生物学用 Nuclease and Protease tested Sterility tested Endotoxin tested
06442-95 500 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
Water, DEPC treated, RNase tested
Nuclease and Protease tested
36420-61 10 X 1 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
36420-74 50 X 1 mL
Water, DEPC treated, RNase tested
Nuclease and Protease tested
36415-54 100 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
36415-41 1 L


Gene-Packman Coprecipitant
Nuclease tested エンドトキシン試験済 キット構成:
共沈剤 200 µL(試料 100 µL 以下の場合、約 200 回分), 3 M 酢酸ナトリウム溶液(pH 5.2)1 mL 添付
12680-30 1 kit e-Nacalai.jpg
Glycogen Solution(20mg/ml) from Oyster, Nuclease tested
水溶液 Nuclease tested
17110-11 1 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
100g/l-Hexadecyltrimetylammonium Bromide Solution
10%(w/v)臭化ヘキサデシルトリメチルアンモニウム, 0.7 mol/L 塩化ナトリウム溶液 Nuclease tested
17472-94 100 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
Phenol, Saturated with Citrate Buffer

フェノール含量:約 74 w/w% pH 4.3
25968-64 100 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
Phenol, Saturated with TE Buffer

フェノール含量:約 69 w/w% pH 7.9
26829-54 100 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
26829-96 400 mL
Phenol, Saturated with TE Buffer

フェノール含量:約 70 w/w% pH 6.6 pH 7.9 調整用バッファー付き
25969-54 100 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
25969-96 400 mL
Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol 25:24:1 Mixed, pH 5.2

フェノール含量:約 33 w/w%
26058-54 100 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
26058-96 400 mL
Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol 25:24:1 Mixed, pH 6.7

フェノール含量:約 33 w/w%
25967-74 100 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
25967-16 400 mL
Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol 25:24:1 Mixed, pH 7.9

フェノール含量:約 33 w/w%
25970-14 100 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
25970-56 400 mL
Proteinase K(Recombinant) Solution
活性:>600 U/mL Nuclease tested
15679-06 2 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
15679-64 10 mL
Sepasol®-RNA Ⅰ Super G

用途:生体試料からの総 RNA 抽出 不活性ガス封入
09379-26 10 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
09379-84 100 mL
09379-97 200 mL
09379-55 500 mL
Sepasol®-RNA Ⅱ Super

用途:血液, 細胞などの液体試料からの総 RNA 抽出 不活性ガス封入
30487-46 100 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
Tail Lysis Buffer
Nuclease tested
06169-95 500 mL e-Nacalai.jpg


Denhardt's Stock Solution(50x)
Nuclease and Protease tested
10727-74 50 mL e-Nacalai.jpg


100mmol/l-Isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactopyranoside Solution
水溶液 0.22 µm フィルター濾過済
07496-91 10 X 1 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
Ribonuclease A Solution(10mg/ml), DNase tested
15 mM 塩化ナトリウム, 50 v/v% グリセリン, 10 mM トリス-塩酸緩衝液 pH 7.6 DNase tested
30100-31 1 mL e-Nacalai.jpg

価格表:RNase 除去剤

RNase Quiet
用途:RNase / DNase や RNA / DNA の除去
09147-14 475 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
RNase Quiet for Replacement
用途:RNase / DNase や RNA / DNA の除去
09477-94 475 mL e-Nacalai.jpg
